Rates: Whoever owns the property as at the 1st January of the year in which the property is sold is legally responsible to pay the property rates for the whole of that year. However, a clause is contained in all contracts which states that the rates will be apportioned between the seller and the buyer for their respective periods of ownership. Therefore, the seller has the right to claim from the buyer the buyer's share of the rates. You lawyer will assist in requesting the buyer's portion. All your lawyer requires is a copy of the rates receipt stating the rates have been paid. Please note that this service is not automatically provided by all law firms.
Service Charges: If a service charge is payable for common areas then this will also be apportioned.
Buyers must budget for such apportionments (remember rates are payable in October).
Court sits every Friday at 2.30pm. If you are unable to attend Court a Power of Attorney can be executed which allows one of the Jersey qualified members of the law firm to attend Court on your behalf. There is no cost for the Power of Attorney save £60 stamp duty to register it in the Public Registry. Remember to let your lawyer know if you are going away as you need to sign the Power of Attorney before you go.
The dress code for Court is formal attire. Men are required to wear a suit with jacket and tie and ladies must be in smart dress.
A set of keys is handed over in Court and vacant possession will be negotiated through Le Rossignol Estates or in case of a chain of properties, this will be established by the lawyer at the top of the transaction chain. It is usual to have possession delayed until Saturday lunchtime / afternoon depending on the length of the chain.
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